I’m a humble little virus
But I’ve out-trumped good king Cyrus
They say I’m made in China
Maybe by a designer
The truth though is much closer
To a bat cave that’s much grosser
Time will tell If you I fell
I’m waiting in the shadows
Holes they dig and in they lug
Your bodies in the meadows
I’m free to move, when you are not
I hide you can’t, you’re on the spot
You’ve nothing much to fear though
If you wear your mask you hero
I only kill the fat and feeble
Well that’s not true…
Rich or poor I can’t ignore
I’m equal in my evil
What lies ahead
Much more to dread
Is I spy with my AI
The future’s bleak, the State is weak
You cannot hide, I will abide
The world you know is going down
Chaos rules, I wear the crown