Photo by Joshua Rodriguez on Unsplash

Perchance to dream

Apr 12, 2024


We bear the weight of worlds unseen,
Of tableaux too bizarre to view.
Abandoned there, behind the veil,
We strive for life, and all it seems.

So, sail to sleep on alpha waves,
Those languid curls in deep, dark ponds,
A pleasure dome for dreams decreed,
And endless source of demi mondes.

When death feigns sleep, constricting snake,
Steals breath and heartbeat’s steady drum.
And we, in terrors writhe and quake,
In labyrinth worlds that groan and hum.

Once seen, obscene denies unseen,
Sheds scattered leaves from fevered dreams.
No time to cry, our souls to take,
We take one breath, and then we wake.




Making peace with absurdity, cognitive dissonance and bullshit. Also working on being a better human being 🤔